When the mind remains without distraction on the chosen object for a long time it is called meditation. It is a state of mind where there are no sensual thoughts or no contents occupying the mind.


Meditation here is not reflection or any other kind of discursive thinking. It is pure concentration: training the mind to dwell on an interior focus without wandering, until it becomes absorbed in the object of its contemplation. But absorption does not mean unconsciousness. The outside world may be forgotten, but meditation is a state of intense wakefulness.


When the mind craves sensual stimulation it becomes agitated and unable to concentrate. Thoughts are of great quantity and poor quality and they dissipate one´s energies.

The aim of everyone´s life should be to develop a steady mind.

A mind that does not waver, one that remains the same, though the circumstances and environment may change, this is a steady mind. It remains ever purposeful and one pointed.



Meditation is a state free of mental confusion, in which there is only inner peace and harmony.



The path of meditation is not easy.

It involves a certain amount of discipline and willpower at first, and you will have to make a few sacrifices if you wish to gain the fruits of meditation. Mental, physical and emotional weakness will pull you away, so you must be determined to continue. Remember that you can do almost anything in this world if you have the strength of will, awareness and interest.

The journey inward is challenging but it will reward you with inner freedom.


Meditation is communion with the inner self.

It is the means of expanding our consciousness, transcending the external being and becoming one with the infinite source of light and wisdom.

Meditation is discovering oneself.

Meditation dawns, when the mind becomes free from the awareness of subjective and objective experience. When you are no longer distracted by external images appearing in your mind, when you can no longer hear external sounds and when the sense objects do not bother you any more, you are in a state of meditation.




Peace and relaxation

To free the mind from daily stress and tension, worries and anxieties. To make the mind calm, clear and contented.

To achieve this 30 min of meditation in the morning and evening is good enough.


Purification of the mind

Suppressed emotions, fears and phobias from childhood experiences affect our adult life. These are released. One becomes aware of one´s strong likes and dislikes, attachments and aversions, which help to reduce them. Negative emotions are transformed into positive ones.

One should practice at least one hour mediation in the morning and evening.


To unfold inner potentialities

It helps to bring more energy and creativity in our mind and develop the dormant faculties within. However it is important to remain detached to the many subtle thoughts and visions, that indicate and opening up to a new dimension. The attachment to these psychic experiences are an obstacle to a deeper perception of your being.

Daily meditation in the morning and evening, a 2-3 hour should be practiced.


To eradicate deep seated behavior patterns

Prolonged sessions are required to burn the deep seated repetitive and automatic subconscious patterns of behavior.


Samadhi or superconscious state

This can be achieved only through deep intense and prolonged meditations for many hours each day for many years.



This is practiced to attain ultimate freedom for liberation of the soul.


The moments of inner silence and communion will rejuvenate and refresh your mind, nourishing your vital sustenance and energy.

Meditation induces a deep state of rest which encourages the repair and improved health of all the cells and tissues of the body. 


The door to our subconscious is open twice a day- when we are drifting off to sleep, and when we are just waking up. This is the time when  our brain works in the low vibrational frequencies Alpha and Theta and this is the best time to reprogram our old limiting beliefs and change old perceptions.


Daily Meditation practices:



Vipassana meditation

Sufi meditation

Kundalini meditation


Nada meditation